Environmentalists face a major issue in terms of polluted lakes, rivers and seas. In
essay, I will outline some of the contributors to it and the way it has an effect on human society and animal life.
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, people themselves are the major problem creator in terms of pollution of the water bodies. Linking Words
activities of them create a never-ending cycle of amplifying the problem. Change the word
For example
, trading through water channels and during that, there have been many incidents of oil spillage or other contaminants Linking Words
as plastic which can create the issue. Apart from it, Linking Words
the industries illegally dispose of their waste and it can harm the whole ecosystem.
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, in the long run, these can lead to a huge mess for both, the general population and animals. Linking Words
For example
, drinking Linking Words
contaminated sources can lead to various health problems and Linking Words
it can lead to the accumulation of toxic elements in the food chain through the process of bio-magnification which can have serious consequences and disrupt the whole stability of the environment.
In conclusion, individuals should wisely regulate their activities and various strict policies should be in place to reduce the Linking Words
damage and protect the environment for ourselves and the upcoming future generations.Linking Words