The charts illustrate two different things: the usage of energy and the manufacturing of electricity worldwide for the past year. Units are measured in percentages.
, it can be seen that the most common substance for both was coal and after that results varied a lot between the two charts. The smallest portion was given to renewable sources.
The biggest part of the data for power usage in the whole world was occupied by oil as an essence (34,3%), followed by coal and gas (25,1% and 20.95% respectively). The results are quite different when it comes to hydro, nuclear and combustible sources, where percentages were all between 2.2% and 10.6%.
In comparison, the numbers, related to producing electric power were showing the application of other common substances. Linking Words
, coal and gas were still with high percentages (39.8% and 19.6% respectively), renewables and waste were not even mentioned as a factor. Oil was one of the least used fuels for a generation with 6,7%.Linking Words