The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001 . Units are measured in percentages.
, it can be seen that the biggest part of the resources was invested in teachers' salaries in all of the Linking Words
. Spending for things like books and physical improvements varied with time and insurance was the lowest expenditure for all of the Use synonyms
Paying their educational staff was the biggest spending in all three Use synonyms
(40% in 1981, 45% in 2001 and a peak of 50% in 1991). Insurance payments fluctuated between 2% in the first year and slightly raised to 8% in the Use synonyms
year, but it still was the smallest part of the budget.
Other workers' salaries percentage decreased through the Linking Words
(28%, 22% and 15% respectively). Other things like resources and furniture and equipment varied between 9% and 23%Use synonyms
but yet remained in the middle of the chart fraction.Remove the comma