Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both ideas and give your opinion.

Nowadays, humankind is very dependent on new and helpful technologies which are beneficial in any aspect of their growth.
, many proclaim universities have to limit their education to anything related to scientific subjects.
On the other hand
, some people believe there are other important topics which are necessary as well.
, there should not be any restrictions on students’ learning themes. In
essay, both ideas will be discussed and I will illustrate my agreement with the latter approach.
To begin
with, humans are emotional creatures whose desires are not only summarized in a few matters like technology.
, the population need both their spiritual and physical image of life to be satisfactory.
As a result
, different fields like music, sport and many others are as effective as the new scientific matters.
For instance
, it has been proven that psychological diseases like major depressive disorder could be prevented or even treated if individuals engage themselves with paintings.
, if people be free to choose whatever they are interested in and capable of regardless of the modern-day trends, they will be more motivated to boost their expertise in those sectors.
, after graduation, they will devote their passion and skill to various professions which makes society more successful and diverse.
On the contrary
, some crowds believe it is important to teach youngsters what could be practical for the community in future. humans’ ordinary life is highly dependent on the number of innovations and technological achievements which play a decisive role in the level of comfortableness in societies.
for example
, a general attitude towards learning programming computer software during the 90th ended up with a breakthrough in developing different apps which dramatically changed the way people live. In conclusion, scientific and technological achievements play an undeniable role in the quality of life.
, many find it reasonable to be the main subject of learning in universities.
, in my perspective, humans are more complicated creatures and could not be defined only by a small proportion of needs.
As a result
, to be able to satisfy communities with a variety of tendencies, it is more sensible to provide all topics for all demands in academies.
Submitted by m.lotfipour92 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • foster
  • engagement
  • excel
  • innovative contributions
  • diversity in research
  • well-rounded education
  • broad perspectives
  • critical thinking skills
  • mental well-being
  • burnout
  • forced academic paths
  • job-ready
  • skills shortages
  • tech-driven economy
  • employment rates
  • changing job market
  • utilitarian subjects
  • aptitudes
  • wasting talent
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