The top priority of businesses is making money, and they do not need to have socia; responsibilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many people believe that the main purpose of businesses is making money.
I agree that earning profits should be highly concentrated, I believe that they should
focus on helping and improving
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society. On the one hand, prioritizing profits helps business organizations to make progress quickly and become financially successful. Those enterprises would have full-time thinking of developing their own companies without being distracted from many social issues outside, and they,
, would forge ahead and become thriving.
, there are some concerns
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companies should not neglect,
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, environmental issues. If industries keep manufacturing their commodities and not solving the released wastes from factories, pollution and global warming will be worsened than ever.
On the other hand
, focusing on developing countries can assist businesses build great reputations. If enterprises prioritize activities that help to improve
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as volunteering, helping the poor, cleaning the environment, or following the regulation of solving the released wastes properly, they would receive good reviews from people and become popular.
, if the companies do not consider
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their own economy, they would not get enough money to drive the organization and could not pay for their employees, and
, those enterprises would be likely to get bankruptcy. In conclusion, both ideas have their own advantages and disadvantages, whether they choose to become wealthy or to become famous solely. In my view, balancing between taking social responsibilities and making a profit would be a perfect way to become a successful business.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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