society is now more focused on the transportation of meals. Some believe that the food imported by other countries can
a negative effect. Others believe that food produced by local farmers might Verb problem
a good impact on the environment and economy. In my opinion, the benefits of producing food by local farmers overweight the disadvantages.
on the one hand, people have more advantages if they Verb problem
produce meals locally. Because our economy would be better. Verb problem
, producing meals locally, Linking Words
creates a good impact on demand, as a lot of vegetables and fruits would be available at cheaper rates. People will not hesitate to eat different types of vegetables which are more expensive now. Linking Words
, it provides opportunities for many individuals to earn money by selling these commodities in their own country since many individuals want to be self-employed rather than Linking Words
to do
work in companies. Verb problem
For example
, our country Linking Words
tomatoes more than any country, so if we export them, the government and local people get more advantages.
Wrong verb form
on the other hand
, the disadvantages will rise when importing commodities will expand. Linking Words
, it affects the supply of foodstuff because in every nation everyone wants to eat more at less expensive, so if the foodstuff is transported from outside it will cause on availability of things, Linking Words
higher rates would be implemented. Linking Words
, the Profit margin will lead to a decrease as compared to stuff produced locally. Linking Words
For instance
, sellers have to sell stuff at a low price because nobody wants to get expensive things nowadays especially fruits, so they have to decrease their profit margin for selling in the market.
in conclusion, there are some disadvantages to providing foodstuff locally but, I believe there are more positives. because it provides more business opportunities, cheaper rates and more availability.Linking Words