The two pictures indicate how a wave-electricity generator works and where it can be placed.
In terms of mechanism,
, the water on the sea surface rippling will be digested and contained inside a chamber. From there, the air is vaporized and navigated to the higher room Linking Words
the turbine is installed. Combined with the air ventilated from the outside, Linking Words
vapour flow rotates the fans which will cause the electricity generator to emit energy, Linking Words
loses momentum, cools down and either returns to the water or escapes through a hole in the top of the room.
Talking about the locations, there are 2 main options to accommodate Linking Words
an architecture which are near the coast and far from land. Placing the generator in shallow water is cheaper but not really efficient when it comes to power creation because the system can just catch the weak waves. Linking Words
On the other hand
, if the machine is built in a deeper area, it needs a longer foundation, which leads to more installation costs, but the strong sea movement out there can bring a higher outcome than the first strategy.
Linking Words
, the first image depicts the process of generating energy from waves with 4 main steps, and the second figure compares the pros can cons of constructing the machine in different locations.Linking Words