Many countries have compulsory military service for young men after they leave school. It would be a good idea for all countries to adopt this system for men, and possibly for women too. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. Write at least 250 words.

Nowadays, in numerous
, young males have to do mandatory
in the army, some people believe that
procedure is necessary for national security in all countries and it should include females as well. In my opinion, army compulsory
could be beneficial in democratic and developed
for both genders,
, it has a very negative impact on individuals and societies in the dictatorships and poor parts of the globe. Admittedly, when young people have military experience, domestic peace would be maintained, and the country's borders would be protected.
, the young men and women will learn order and appreciate the
' efforts after spending some time in the war forces which enhanced their behaviour as civilians and rise their awareness of peace requirements.
For instance
, In Switzerland, both genders have to do mandatory military
for 6 months after high school, and annual 2 weeks of military training till the age of 52, and Swiss society is one of the most peaceful and safe in the world.
On the other hand
, in totalitarian regimes, forcing young people to serve in a tyrant's army will destroy the social structure and prevents the population from organising forces and acting against the dictator, because his
are their family members which closes any opportunity to seek freedom and democracy.
, the young ones in
are forced to obey the ruler as slaves ,not as warriors, and they have to follow any orders that come from above without discussion, so if the officers request them to shoot students' demonstrations they will shoot without hesitating.
, the authorities make the young
work on private projects that benefit the rulers' own fortunes ,not the public sector, which crushes the young' souls and makes them abandon the national ideas.
For example
Change preposition
in the
show examples
Syrian situation, when
were forced to build private mansions during their compulsory military
. In conclusion, mandatory military
for men and women is a very beneficial procedure in democratic
, it will destroy national security and freedom, and crush the individuals' personalities if it is performed in dictatorships.
Submitted by bousaadhazim on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Compulsory
  • Military service
  • Conscription
  • Patriotism
  • National security
  • Social equality
  • Discipline
  • Physical fitness
  • Life skills
  • Job training
  • Infringement
  • Conscripts
  • Gender equality
  • Mandatory
  • Economy
  • Education system
  • Labor market
  • Civil service
  • Alternative forms
  • Balanced view
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