IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Militarization of cultures has become stronger due to the growing conflicts all around the world. Due to this fact, many countries have mandated that all school graduate males must provide military service after completi
A lot of countries around the world have a system of recruiting young adults into military service after they finish their education. Some people praise this system and wish if other countries adopt it too. This issue is
Military supplies require human resources, most include the joining of youngsters, mainly males. Nevertheless, some countries are adopting the formation of males and females equally, there are a bunch of people who belie
A considerable amount of nations are implementing mandatory military service for youngsters, regardless of their gender, after they finish school and many think that other countries who have yet to implement the mentione
Nowadays, men in a lot of countries worldwide do military exercises after their basic school studies. In addition, there are people who believe that this idea would be perfect if becomes necessary for both males and fema
The idea of compulsory military service for all young men, and possibly women, has been an increasingly heated topic, with some commentators suggesting that it could be beneficial. However, I firmly disagree with this vi
There is an idea that people after graduation, regardless of women, have to participate in the army system in their nation. The writer of this essay strongly supports that suggestion for several reasons.The key aspect to
There is an idea that people after graduation, regardless of women, have to participate in the army system in their nation. the writer of this essay strongly supports that suggestion for several reasons. The key aspect o
I agree that all countries have military service for men. In my country, there is military account for all dude and I think that this is a good thing. It teaches fellow many new things and new skills that are important f
Many nations require obligatory military service for young people of both genders. This typically begins after the completion of school when young men and women are mature enough. Some people argue that this type of comp
Many nations reserve obligatory military service for young people of both gender. Usually, this military service starts after the end of school, when guys are growth enough. Some people claim that is a good idea to exten
he majority of governments force male youngsters to serve in the military following high school education. Some people believe this should be implemented globally, with the addition of females. Although serving in the a
The majority of the countries have mandatory military services for young men after they complete their school. Some feel that this would be the best idea for all countries to have this system for men as well as women. Th
It is a well-established fact that a lot of countries throughout the world made military service mandatory for men, and due to this reason some people agree with the idea that other countries should also, adopt this syst
Nowadays, it is apparent that the military plays an important role in protecting nations. This is the reason why some people argue that male adolescents should attend military service after they complete their education
It is a well-known law in a lot of countries that when young men reach a certain age, it is mandatory to join the military service after they finish school. The law also applies to young women in some countries. Persona
Military service for the young generation after completing school education is made compulsory in many countries. In this essay, I would agree with the statement that it is a good idea for all nations to adopt this syste
Although many people adamantly argue against compulsory military service, saying it would take time from the youth to do what they want to do, I firmly believe the opposite. Putting the young, both men and women, through
In our contemporary society, the phenomenon of having compulsory army service for young men just after they finish school has long been a subject of debate. Some societies have a notion that it can be beneficial to adop
Every country has their own regulation system in terms of national defense. Some countries have adopted compulsory military service for their young generation after graduating from school. Moreover, it would be a good ex
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