The percentage of the population living in urban areas has greatly increased in many countries. Discuss some reasons for this change and some of its consequences for urban planning.

day and age, it is evident that the worldwide demographic change in the
centre has pronouncedly affected various life aspects in the municipality.
essay will designate the roots of
problem and its explicit influences on society.
To begin
with, there are some undeniable factors feeding into the mass population growth.
, we are now living in the era of technology coverage in which modern devices and novelty initiatives contribute could navigating consumer habits
as well as
the career market.
, the occupation demand for not only a stable job but
a high-quality condition and environment namely in some metropolitan locations is imperative for both employee and employer. With the fast pace of urbanization and top-tier infrastructures in conjunction with abundant allocations for
development, the
centre in a country may attract a workforce that seeks more prospective job opportunities,
as a result
, causing overpopulation in the inner-
, the desire for decent commendation, social welfare and life-catering means
urges the original outskirts to dwell in large cities.
, several ramifications have originated from
issue. If the populace keeps its elevating trend excessively, the increase in crime rates and social evils will induce insurmountable situations that are prone to provoke severe conflicts and hazards for the citizens.
For example
, in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, numerous drug trafficking and other frightful felon cases were recorded from some unknown people who illegally immigrated into the
. These outlaw activities have posed an alarming threat to the population management system in the locality.
In addition
, the natural environment destruction and air contamination might become a dilemma for individuals
as well as
the government to cope with in the aftermath of overexploited resources used for industry and manufacturing. In conclusion, the overpopulated
centre stemming from the influx of immigrants who look forward to applying for greater work and approaching a brighter life may spark criminal lifestyles
along with
daunting problems regarding the natural environment.
Submitted by boocheapofficial on

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