Some people say history is one of the most important school subjects other people think that in today's world subjects like science and tech are more important than history discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In the digitalization era, most young kids are getting used to technology rather than knowing their history. Most people say that it is important to know one's origin and what has made the world it is today so that the past will not be repeated.
, many disagree and think the education system has to move on from a historical lecture focus to what is needed in the future, which is science and technology. I will explain both sides' perspectives and give reasons in the end why it is more important to focus on the future than recalling historical events, but still without totally removing the essence of the past. To start with, knowing the past has many important values of remembrance and respecting what had happened. Without some records, mankind might repeat the same mistakes and create unnecessary repeats of failure. But, it is inevitable that countries that focus on just valuing their past might have slower progress and cannot catch up with others' advanced and modern lives. North Korea,
for example
, has been dwelling on looking at the traditional belief that it is the King of the world
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failed to recognize that the world has been revolving and developing in technology and collaboration within nations.
, countries are now focusing on trade and political war, not colonialization as it used to be. On top of it, science and tech are inevitably part of growth which distinguishes developed and developing countries.
For instance
, South Korea and Singapore can easily catch up with the US and Japan in these past years
due to
their investment in these two areas, noting down important care on improving their citizens' ability in these two areas through school education. They are able to get a high GDP annually and
win in international competition. In conclusion, many might still emphasise the importance of history to learn and take lessons from what happened, and it helps in knowing identity and keeping our ground as a country. Despite
, in these days of increasing competition, where physical war is replaced by strategic moves, I personally think that the government should aim more at tech and science education at school and just a hint of occured events being taught, just to keep us humble.
Submitted by twiggseducationbdg on

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