The chart below shows the percentages of males and females with higher education qualifications in 5 countries in 2001.

The chart below shows the percentages of males and females with higher education qualifications in 5 countries in 2001.
The diagram illustrates the proportion of men and women with advanced educational
in Switzerland, Britain, Japan,
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the United
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States and Germany by the year 2001.
it is immediately apparent that both men and women comparatively had qualifications for advanced studies.
To begin
with, both Switzerland and Germany observed the highest percentage of people who acquired
for pursuing higher education at 45%. Interestingly,
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the same number of men as women acquired
for higher studies in Switzerland and Germany at 45% and 35% and vice versa for the gender in the respective countries. Turning to Britain and the United States, the same proportion of males gained
for higher education at 35%. Meanwhile, 40% of females did in America whilst 10% less than
figure obtained
in Britain.
By contrast
, Japan recorded the least qualifiers for both genders among the 5 countries with only 30% of males and 25% of females.
Submitted by nmaureen03 on

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Sentences: Add more complex sentences.
Vocabulary: Replace the words certificates with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Only 6 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: The word "proportion" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
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