The pie chart below depicts the career options of Brighton University’s 2019 graduate students, giving the percentages of them entering different employment sectors.
, it is obvious that the majority of graduates opt for entering service industries, accounting for approximately a third. Linking Words
In contrast
, sports had the lowest proportions for all the sectors illustrated.
It can be seen that about half of the graduates went into industries, and roughly 15 per cent of them chose to enter the education sector. Politics and government were the other popular career Linking Words
, with just over 12 per cent. As for “Transportation and warehousing” and “science and technology”, those two job segments witnessed a close similarity, at 7.8% and 7.3% respectively, Fix the agreement mistake
civil service was slightly lower, at a percentage of 5.6.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, charities and sports were the two least chosen employment sectors with merely above zero. The remaining 2.8% of graduates started their work in other areas.Linking Words