Many students around the world don’t choose science subjects at university. Give the reasons for this and describe the impact on the community?

Science provides a vast number of opportunities for youngsters to be innovative
as well as
utilise their creativity.
, many pupils do not consider opting for science fields after school.
essay will state the reasons for
practice and the effect it’s having on our society. A plethora of students will refrain from enrolling for
program because they feel that
particular subject has a relatively narrow scope and is quite expensive to afford.
, many have an aversion towards
field has meagre employment options, and at least demands a doctorate to achieve success.
For example
, it is observed that even after studying biology, chemistry and physics in high school, they sign up for some other stream
due to
the unbearable and hidden costs involved in
As a result
, many pursuers are inclined to graduate in other subjects. Undoubtedly, our nation’s economy will plummet and growth will impede as science is known to be a boon and contributes to boosting the financial standard. It is evident that if students will find it compelling, there will ultimately be a lack of efficient researchers and scientists. Comparatively, technological advancement will plunge,
, our country will have to rely on overseas help.
, it would become impossible for a country’s development to reach the optimum level. In conclusion, it is advocated that the decline in the percentage of candidates choosing to study the branch of nature and chemicals has drastically hampered not only the nation’s but every individual’s progress.
Submitted by parvane_ava on

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