The maps below show changes in the town of Youngsville in New Zealand from 1980 to 2005.
maps illustrate the evolutions that occur in the coastal town of Youngswhile between 1980 and 2005.
In 1980,the town was a much greener residential area with a huge amount of trees and separate houses,but,throughout the next 25 Change the determiner
the town witnessed a quantity of dramatic changes.The most perceptible is that all of the trees Add a comma
of the Correct your spelling
Alanah were chopped down,with all the houses along the railway line being demolished and substituted bu
skyscrapers.Correct your spelling
,a new industrial estate with factories and warehouses sprang up around the airport and school.
In addition
,only a few trees north of the river
were left.The woodland gave way to make way for a park,a golf course,also
,car parking facilities.Then
, further
developments were the construction of the lake and a new stretch of railway from the river
running directly north.A marina was also
constructed at the north of the river
,a comparison of the two maps reveals a vast change of
Change preposition
rural to a mainly urban landscape.Correct article usage
a largely
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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "also".
Vocabulary: Replace the words river with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "maps" was used 2 times.