Some people think all university student should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

The field of
is one of the most important choices that institute students have to make in terms of progressing in their lives and future careers. Some argue that a field of
takes priority over students’ preferences, so obliging students to
subject area brings prosperity for individuals and nations in the future. The importance of both will be discussed and I will mention my personal viewpoint
at the end
. On the one hand, those learners who have the free will to participate in their interests are more passionate about learning things.
In other words
, they dedicate their time and energy to exploring their
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related subjects, which leads to fostering knowledge and skill in these groups is more likely to be greater than compulsory methods.
For instance
according to
a survey, those who chase their dreams willingly not only become more intelligent, and
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in societal progress but
gain high levels of prosperity in their fields.
By contrast
, opponents of free choices in education programs mention the significant role of modern technology and scientific areas in the development of society.
For instance
, mathematics, physics, and chemistry are the basis of science,
, administrators are responsible for making sure the number of candidates and experts in these fields is enough.
due to
the advancement of technology, the requirement for skilled workers is increasing daily.
results in more job opportunities for those who will graduate in these majors of
In addition
, the progress of nations is highly related to scientific and technical information since various parts of a community like healthcare, industry, transportation, and
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capabilities are necessary for global competition.
, the government must make sure the employees in
field have a noticeable amount of effort. In conclusion, in my point of view, it would appear that the fields of society and technology are vitally regarded for progress.
neglects individual preferences which may include forgetting the identity of society in art and history and eradicating the chances to find geniuses in these areas.
Submitted by soltaninejad_sahel on

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To improve coherence and cohesion, consider using a wider range of linking words and phrases to better connect ideas and paragraphs. Aim for a more natural flow of ideas that guides the reader smoothly from one point to the next.
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To enhance task achievement, make sure to fully address all parts of the prompt. Expand on your ideas by providing more in-depth analysis and development of your arguments.
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For task achievement, ensure that your opinion is clear throughout the essay, not just in the conclusion. Incorporate it effectively alongside the discussion of both views to achieve a balanced and comprehensive response.
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Incorporate more relevant and detailed examples to reinforce your arguments and points. Specific examples can greatly enhance the persuasiveness and clarity of your ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Motivation
  • Well-rounded education
  • Critical thinking
  • Job markets
  • Economic demand
  • Skilled workers
  • Practical application
  • Innovation
  • Societal progress
  • Passion
  • Pragmatism
  • Future job prospects
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