Schools should not force children to a foregin language. To what extent do you agree with statement?

It is true that some people argue that a foreign
should not be one of the compulsory subjects studied in schools.
I believe that it is useful for schoolchildren to learn a foreign
, I completely agree that they should not be forced. On the one hand,it will benefit the education of most
if they are encouraged to learn a foreign
during their school years.
,through studying the
they will learn about the culture of that country, and some schools even arrange exchange visits,to enable students to briefly immerse themselves in the culture of the foreign country whose
they are learning.
can access information in another
For example
, if they are studying English, they can enjoy websites which are only available in English on any topic in which they are interested.
can be encouraged to learn a foreign
through the
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of enjoyable and fun materials available
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,especially interactive online learning.
On the other hand
,it would be counterproductive to forcibly oblige schoolchildren to learn a foreign
. One reason is that
will not learn effectively through compulsion
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. They must be motivated to do so and
is only achieved through enthusiastic teachers who select stimulating
learning activities. Another reason is that schoolchildren will be reluctant to learn a foreign
if they cannot see why it might be relevant to their present or future lives.
For example
, individual Vietnamese pupils should not be forced to learn English if they are certain that they will never need or want to use it in the future. In conclusion, I would argue that schools should encourage, but not compel,
to learn a foreign
Submitted by ilhanctg2019 on

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