When you enter into a university, you have the chance to research and learn what you are truly curious about. Some students tend to concentrate on their basic courses and others want to stick their necks out of it and get to know more about other subjects. In my view, there shouldn't be any limit to educating more, if have the capacity. In
essay, I will examine both attitudes and introduce my standpoint.
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, It seems that the type of personality which contains more energetic and curious characters may be more likely to take various courses in their educational periods. Linking Words
For instance
, I as a person with Linking Words
personality, always want to participate in different architectural workshops Linking Words
my main subjects and I have never regretted it. In my view, you just in Linking Words
way can broaden your horizon and if you never try new things, you will never know what you truly want to pursue for Linking Words
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On the other hand
, some students prefer to focus on their core studies as they can deepen their knowledge. To build upon my point a little more, I had friends who did not attend any workshops or conferences only if they related to their exact measure. They are somehow selective persons and in a short period of time, became masters of a specific area of architecture. Linking Words
they've got significant education in that, they hardly can participate in different architectural meetings. In Linking Words
measure especially, you should have a wide attitude toward so many aspects of architecture and life in order to have the ability to design better spaces for people.
To put it in a nutshell, there are advantages to both methods of study at universities but in some measures Linking Words
as architecture, it is more important to try to broaden your horizon in order to design better.Linking Words