VarietyCorrect article usage
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of languages have been established since decades ago. Nowadays,
believe it should
be concludeChange the verb form
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
one common
in order to communicate
withinChange preposition
show examples
othersChange to a singular noun
show examples
easily. There are some advantages and disadvantages
forChange preposition
show examples
essay will break down how it affects the
First of all, the
side of having the same
is easy to build a relationship among nations. Through the same way of
communicateReplace the word
show examples
, these nations could open a discussion without having
theCorrect article usage
show examples
barrier. The conveyed idea
Add the comma(s)
, as well as the opinion,
show examples
the opinion will not mislead
through Change preposition
show examples
each other.
, the international conference which attended by presidents from each country. They usually take topics to tackle
issueFix the agreement mistake
show examples
that are happening in the
. The President will individually
givesChange the verb form
show examples
their own perception and try to solve
togetherCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
. Imagine how impactful if
way of communication allows them to speak in the same
. Another reason is that, having no
barrier led to no
hesitantReplace the word
show examples
for socializing. As a
human being, it is really crucial to have
a Correct article usage
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relationReplace the word
show examples
amongChange preposition
show examples
could either ask for help or
offersCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
a Remove the article
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help whenever they
needCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
. In fact, there are still many
hasChange the verb form
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the intention
onChange preposition
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making the first move to strike a conversation but feel frightened if they cannot deliver it well.
, languages are the identity
forChange preposition
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all nations. A country
is notoriously hasChange the verb form
show examples
particular cultural aspects that cannot be replaced on any
occasionsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. There must be a history from the
ancestorFix the agreement mistake
show examples
about how the nation
has beenWrong verb form
show examples
the first time
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
languageFix the agreement mistake
show examples
wereChange the verb form
show examples
introduced. The
will show gratitude by preserving their historical relics. The downside of having the same
, there will be no
the Correct article usage
show examples
beauty of diversity. These unique background stories and languages represent a certain country. It will be interesting as someone
tryChange the verb form
show examples
to appreciate and understand
towards Change preposition
show examples
each other.
, having the same
is not a bad idea considering it is easier to communicate with each
othersChange to a singular noun
show examples
, we
could notWrong verb form
show examples
close the possibility
howChange preposition
show examples
is essential in every nation.