The bar chart displays the percentage of three figures between various age groups of citizens in the UK in 2004.
, it is evident that the statistics of the three categories depended on the age range and had a few fluctuations.
It is clearly seen that entertainment was the most common among the people aged from 61 to 75, precisely over 20%. Linking Words
, the trend for restaurants and hotels was downwards, only a little more than 5%. At the same time, food and drink figures interested those aged 76 and Linking Words
, with nearly 25%.
Turning to the details, surprisingly the food and drink category had the lowest trend among individuals under 30 years, Linking Words
restaurant and hotel were quite prevalent, approximately 15%. Regarding people aged 46-40, food and drink were recorded at the top of the list, similar to those from 31 to 45 years, one having a proportion of nearly 15%, Linking Words
the other was slightly above that index.Linking Words