The trend of borrowing from
bankFix the agreement mistake
show examples
gettingVerb problem
show examples
increaseWrong verb form
show examples
MajorityCorrect article usage
show examples
payoffCorrect your spelling
show examples
their mortgage and car loan. Some
itsCorrect your spelling
show examples
good think as they
usCorrect your spelling
show examples
to generate more
, I believe, the fact cannot be neglected that it
causeChange the verb form
show examples
mentallyChange the adverb
show examples
pressure and more chance of
No doubt, the borrowings available from
bankFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in the form of
cardFix the agreement mistake
show examples
are made
wayCorrect article usage
show examples
payoffCorrect your spelling
show examples
feel they have more
thenCorrect your spelling
show examples
balance which cannot be stolen and
handyAdd a missing verb
show examples
payoffCorrect your spelling
show examples
, large payments can be
doneVerb problem
show examples
plastic cards without carrying cash in hand. Apart from that,
from banks can be invested to
generatedChange the form of the verb
show examples
In some countries
do investmentWrong verb form
show examples
in stocks through
cardFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and generate instant profit which would be used to
further Verb problem
show examples
need to pay interest on
transactionFix the agreement mistake
show examples
still, it is
popularAdd an article
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ofChange preposition
show examples
publicAdd an article
show examples
, the fact of
mentallyChange the adverb
show examples
pressure cannot be denied which comes from the trap of
payments. If someone, is
failReplace the word
show examples
payoffCorrect your spelling
show examples
EMICorrect article usage
show examples
creditCorrect article usage
show examples
statement on time it charges
interest of everyday to
cardholderCorrect article usage
show examples
which becomes
hugeCorrect article usage
show examples
amount from small borrowing. If it doesn't get
payoffCorrect article usage
show examples
atChange preposition
show examples
the end it leads
Change preposition
show examples
a lotsCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
of mental pressure and in some cases person ends
atChange preposition
show examples
. It is important to use wise strategy
byChange preposition
show examples
the increase of technology fraud activities
areVerb problem
show examples
become more popular in
operatedCorrect your spelling
show examples
society. Scammers only need
fewCorrect article usage
show examples
digits of OTP to vanish
wholeChange the article
show examples
amount from
Correct article usage
show examples
cardholderChange noun form
show examples
impactCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
less chance of,
to retrieveChange the verb form
show examples
, in India high number of scams
were Unnecessary verb
show examples
unawarenessCorrect article usage
show examples
cardholderFix the agreement mistake
show examples
who share their transaction OTP
toChange preposition
show examples
scammerAdd an article
show examples
on call which leads to
largeChange the article
show examples
amountFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of debt on
personAdd an article
show examples
In conclusion,
borrowings are helpful for
payoffCorrect your spelling
show examples
generateWrong verb form
show examples
from investment,
but Remove the conjunction
show examples
if the statement balance
doesVerb problem
show examples
not clear on time it leads to high debt and has more chance of being
trapWrong verb form
show examples
. I believe
, Remove the comma
show examples
should be used by following
strategyCorrect article usage
show examples
way of how to do
payments on time to
bankAdd an article
show examples