A road near your home is damaged. Write a letter to the council of your town/city to complain about it. In your letter – Tell them who are you and where you live – Explain the nature of your complaint – Say what you would like them to do about it

Dear Sir, I am writing
letter to express my deep grievances
Change preposition
show examples
service provided by the city council. The
has been damaged
Change preposition
show examples
two months and no one come to repair it . My name is Jai Verma and I am a student of political science, I live at Hespeler Village Cambridge. The
Change the verb form
show examples
runs in front of my house
connects many villages to the highway
as a result
enormous people travel through
. Currently, they are facing inconvenience
due to
the condition of the
Wrong verb form
has been
show examples
damaged after the heavy rain .
Replace the word
show examples
, water is accumulated in the holes , which is contaminated
, it invites diseases in the lives of local residents. I want to request you to send your worker to repair or reconstruct the
,a traffic police should be deployed for
Correct the article-noun agreement
show examples
safety reasons .
way , local citizens will take a breath of relief and return to their normal routine. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Jai
Submitted by Kaurharvinder2984 on

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task achievement
Consider introducing yourself and your situation more formally at the beginning of the letter. Instead of jumping straight into the complaint, maybe use a sentence or two to greet and introduce yourself politely.
coherence cohesion
When explaining the nature of your complaint, try to structure your paragraphs to focus on one idea at a time. For instance, one paragraph can detail the problem, another can describe its effects on the community, and a third can outline what actions you would like taken.
coherence cohesion
For a higher score in coherence and cohesion, work on linking your ideas more smoothly. Use transitional phrases like 'In addition to this', 'Therefore', or 'As a result' to connect sentences and paragraphs more effectively.
task achievement
To improve task achievement, make sure to address all parts of the prompt distinctly and comprehensively. Detail more explicitly what exactly is wrong with the road, how it affects the community, and why the proposed solution is suitable, providing specific examples if possible.
coherence cohesion
While your closing is appropriately formal, incorporating a more personalized sign-off can make your letter feel more tailored and thoughtful. Also, ensure you directly address the council or an individual if known, to make your letter more targeted and effective.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Infrastructure
  • Municipal
  • Potholes
  • Asphalt deterioration
  • Congestion
  • Commuters
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Civic responsibility
  • Due diligence
  • Expedite
  • Safety hazards
  • Logistics
  • Accessibility
  • Rectify
  • Public welfare
  • Stakeholders
  • Proactive measures
  • Liaise
  • Acknowledgment
  • Constituent
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