Nowadays, many
are moving to foreign countries for their studies . According my opinion ,
goodChange the article
show examples
idea because
wantsChange the verb form
show examples
to explore more courses and there is no doubt that higher
salaryFix the agreement mistake
show examples
vitalAdd an article
show examples
role in
Undergraduates are more likely to move abroad for the variety of courses available in the foreign
anotherReplace the adjective
show examples
states have more courses
more experienced teachers which provide better intellectual skills for their development .
shows that
immigrationCorrect article usage
show examples
of undergraduates in
the Correct article usage
show examples
Canada has
been Unnecessary verb
show examples
the variety of majors
providingWrong verb form
show examples
in the
and proper guidance for their career path .
, most of the teachers in the Canadian
have ten years of experience in any field.
Another reason is that
wageFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in the International Countries.
moreAdd a missing verb
show examples
like to move
Change preposition
show examples
another statesReplace the adjective
another state
other states
show examples
because they provide better
salaryFix the agreement mistake
show examples
sameCorrect article usage
show examples
skill level they have done
in Change preposition
show examples
back home
benefits .
, Nurses from across India moving to
the Correct article usage
show examples
Canada because of the better pay rate with the same level of skills.
pursue higher education in another country.
In conclusion, undergraduates
wantsChange the verb form
show examples
to move to
the Remove the article
show examples
another country because of the better study environment with experienced teachers and good salary jobs.
theCorrect article usage
show examples
positive development.