You have heard that one of your friends will be doing voluntary work at a festival. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter ask about what type of festival your friend is volunteering at and when and where it will take place ask what your friend will have to do as part of the voluntary work ask if the organisers are still looking for more volunteers and how you can apply for the work You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Chris, I hope you are doing well. I am delighted to know that you have enrolled for the voluntary work at a festival. I am writing
letter to gather some information regarding the program and to know if there is any vacancy available. I would like to know more details about
festival. I have seen that our town is conducting almost five programs from
Correct article usage
the 5th
show examples
of March to
Correct article usage
the 20th
show examples
of March.
On which among
Change preposition
Which of
show examples
these programs are you volunteering
Change preposition
show examples
, can you please let me know when and in which street it is taking place
Change the punctuation
show examples
, I came to know that they are accumulating
Change the word
show examples
for two different roles.
Correct your spelling
show examples
is checking the
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
Change preposition
show examples
people and the other allocating the seats for the
Correct your spelling
. Just wanted to know which part of the voluntary work you are assigned to.
, I want to know whether the organisers are looking for volunteers
how can I enrol for
job? Hoping to see you soon. Yours lovingly. Sarah
Submitted by r.harip3 on

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Coherence and Cohesion
Your letter is well-composed with a clear structure, effectively separating enquiries into distinct paragraphs, making it easy to follow.
Task Achievement
You've successfully addressed all parts of the task with relevant details, demonstrating a suitable tone for a personal letter. Next time, consider adding a brief sentence expressing anticipation or eagerness to participate, it could enhance the personal touch.
The queries are presented in a logical order, enhancing the letter's readability.
The use of paragraphs to organise different topics helps the reader understand each point clearly.
Task Response
The letter effectively meets the task requirements by covering all the questions proposed.
Your friendly and inquisitive tone is perfect for the context of the letter.
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