Most employees nowadays put increasing emphasis on social skills. Some people believe that social skill are important on addition to good qualifications for job success. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

According to
some, social
are a must to have in
competitive job market. A
with a good social existence navigates complex situations in their role,
, a technical know-how
finds it difficult to pass through those positions.
, I believe, employees striving for better social
is a no-brainer and I have the following reasons to support my stance.
To begin
with, in
modern working environment,
in addition
to their great qualifications, many employers look for candidates who are collaborative and proper team players.
helps the organization to properly gauge if incoming employees are fit enough to dovetail well within their existing team setup.
, it is proven in office environments, that a
with an easygoing and social mindset, always finds a way to come out of tough positions.
For instance
, if a consultant with a great meeting presence does a presentation to a client on a solution and if a client probes about a missed scope, the consultant would use his strong presence of mind to provide a perfect response to the client's query. The same could not be said if a technically astute
, mastering social
can prepare staff for the leadership role, as possessing people
is a must for leaders in a management position. As a leader, one has to have a charming presence, give rousing presentations, be approachable etc. In fact, many great leaders tend to possess empathy, which is a great people skill that puts them in their employee's shoes and understand their pain points.
On the contrary
, without people
, if an employee gets promoted based on technical acumen,
the company's
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morale takes a nose dive. So
to conclude
, in my opinion, employees should master social
in addition
to better qualifications.
is because it assists them to fit in seamlessly inside the organization's setup which helps them to succeed in their job.
, it
provides them with a great chance to be a leader in an institution.
Submitted by nusramkumar on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Technical competence
  • Adaptability
  • Innovation
  • Customer service
  • Career advancement
  • Workplace culture
  • Global marketplace
  • Morale
  • Problem-solving
  • Client-facing roles
  • Job satisfaction
  • Effective interaction
  • Balanced combination
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