The pie charts below show the percentage of time working adults spent on different activities in a particular country in 1958 and 2008. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The pie charts below show the percentage of time working adults spent on different activities in a particular country in 1958 and 2008. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant
The two pie charts depict the daily schedule of working individuals in one country in specific years: 1958 and 2008.
, citizens spent more date on toiling than sleeping and the time spent relaxing at home increased
going out decreased over the twelve months. From the first diagram,
it is clear that
almost one-third of the day was wasted on labour (33%) and marginally less date on dormancy (32%). Hanging out with friends and family was there a common pastime taking up 19%. All the other activities combined
as travel to work, other hobbies or playing sports and chilling at home just accounted for 16%.
, there have been various shifts over the period of 50 twelve months and in 2008 the dates spent working rocketed by 9%
the period spent sleeping plunged by 7%. The duration spent on travelling to work has grown to 8%. There has been a significant decline in the time spent on going out with a close circle. It has dropped from 19% to 6%.
In contrast
, the period spent relaxing at home has gone up from 8% to 13%. The time wasted on playing sports or pursuing other hobbies has not shown any change and stood at 6% in both the given years.
Submitted by Tlembekova09 on

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