The graph shows the percentage of male and female academic staff members across the faculties of a major university in 2012. Summarise information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison where relevant.

The graph shows the percentage of male and female academic staff members across the faculties of a major university in 2012. Summarise information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison where relevant.
The graph indicates the average of student academic staff members across the faculties of a major university separated by sex in the year 2012.
, it is clear to see that engineering is popular in groups of males.
numerous women select the education major.
, both men and women in select medicine are quite similar when compared with others.
To begin
with, the famous major in the male categories is engineering about 85% chose it, alternative, business , law and science there similar numbers with 60-62% respectively, arts and medicine
had a close of approximately 42-49%.
, it is noticeable that education is unpopular in
type just only 25% choose it.
On the other hand
, education is in demand by 72% of females. as well , medicine is nearly portion with men about 50%.
, arts 58% of young ladies pick it. Another similar number is science and business about 35-38%.
, engineering is not in trend of person just only 18%.
Submitted by np.napatping on

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