You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for some help. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: • give details of your study plans • explain why you want to get a part-time job • suggest how your friend could help you find a job

Hi Sara, How have you been? I have come to the UK
for studying
Change preposition
to study
show examples
chemistry at White College since
Correct your spelling
. I need your help to find a part-time job
I am studying. My study major includes practical and technical subjects. Our practical courses need special facilities for laboratories which
Correct subject-verb agreement
show examples
provided on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 13-17.
In addition
, our technical course is held on a daily basis except
Change preposition
at weekends
show examples
. To rectify
situation, I need
Add an article
a part-time
show examples
job to get to know about
Correct article usage
the culture
show examples
and the way of life in
, I think it helps me become familiar with new people and improve my communication
Change preposition
show examples
here. From an economic perspective, I find
as an opportunity to gain money in order to solve some financial problems.
, I’d suggest making a link if you
Wrong verb form
show examples
any people who
Correct subject-verb agreement
show examples
Change preposition
for an
show examples
amateur part-time workforce in their business. Thanks a million in advance. I am looking for receiving your response. Best wishes, Ma
Submitted by kargar.mh1992 on

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logical structure
To improve logical structure, be more explicit in linking your points and consider using transitional phrases. For example, 'Furthermore' and 'In addition' can help guide the reader through your argument.
single idea per paragraph
In one section of the letter, multiple ideas are packed into just one sentence. Breaking this down into separate sentences or paragraphs will make the letter easier to read and understand.
complete response
The letter successfully completes the task requirements by detailing study plans, explaining why a job is needed, and suggesting how the friend can help.
suitable writing tone
The tone of the letter is appropriate and friendly, making it suitable for a personal letter to a friend.
greeting and closing
Your greeting and closing are effective, making the letter feel complete and polished.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Educational aspirations
  • Work experience
  • Financial independence
  • Resume (or CV)
  • Local job market
  • International student
  • Legal requirements
  • Student work permit
  • Employment trends
  • Time management
  • Networking
  • A part-time position
  • Balance studies and work
  • Job hunting strategies
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