many chilren are encouraged by their parent to get a part time job. what are the advantages and disadvantages to children doing so?

It is widely believed that working
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could be prolific for
. Many families,
, motivate their young ones to land a part-time
. Clearly, there are both merits and demerits to
matter. The advantages of pupils' employment are seen by some to be significant. One obvious advantage is that they would benefit personally in that they might get familiar with the work atmosphere.
In other words
, they may attain some new skills, one of which, is the ability to be a good team player which is a must in the
market. There could be a
advantage to working
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the young, owing to the fact that they might learn the value of money.
awareness is achieved when
realize how hard one should work to get paid which is not possible unless they
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the difficulties of earning money.
It is clear that
it is just half of the picture.
matter should be considered on a broader canvas. There are,
, certain disadvantages to
's working. Considering How stressful it could be
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workplace, youngsters may possibly suffer mentally. Since
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they are young, they might take
challenges way
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seriously. They,
, do not have any experience in handling work pressure.
, some mental adverse effects would be inevitable. There seems
to be another disadvantage. when the young are taken on for a position, they will be in contact with individuals of various ages which might contribute to learning about subjects that youngsters are not ready to receive. An example to illustrate
is subjects related to adults which could spoil
's thoughts toward their parents.
To conclude
, the truth is that the young working in part-time occupations could be fruitful in terms of preparation for the
market and monetary matters. So,
is a great way to broaden
experience and knowledge.
, we should not lose sight of the fact that there might be consequences which affect pupils' attitudes and mental health.
Submitted by h.safaralizade on

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The essay provides a complete and relevant response to the task prompt, discussing both advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs for children. However, try to incorporate more specific examples to strengthen points.
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The introduction effectively sets up the topic, and the conclusion summarizes the key points well. Ensure that both the introduction and conclusion are concise and directly related to the main body of the essay.
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Ensure that all main points are well-supported with details or examples, which would make the arguments more persuasive.
task achievement
The essay covers the task requirements thoroughly, addressing both advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs for children.
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Main points are clearly presented and relevant to the topic.
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Introduction and conclusion are both present and well-articulated, framing the essay effectively.

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