the given drawings indicate the layout of the Brinslow town before and after being renovated from 1990 to 2005.
As illustrated from the maps, the town had been completely transformed with the appearance of some modern infrastructures. Meanwhile, all public amenities remained intact.
On examining the Western area of the site, the house on the North West was demolished and developed into 2 huge apartments, opposite them was a newly upgraded house.
, the trees between 2 flows of the river were chopped down to make way for a row of houses. In the lower left-hand corner, all houses and trees were replaced with a new supermarket and 2 apartments to offer accommodation for the swelling population.
With respect to the other side of the town, Linking Words
it is clear that
it had converted into an industrial unit. Particularly, an airport was built adjacent to a river and the factory was erected as well. Linking Words
, the school, hospital and car parking stayed at the same place Linking Words
the railway was extended and stretched along the coastline. The ferry was constructed to the lower right-hand corner to carry passengers and cargoLinking Words