The pie chart illustrates several destinations of anthropology alumni from one university after they finished their bachelor degree and the table gives information on the payment of the anthropology graduates after working for 5 years.

The pie chart illustrates several destinations of anthropology alumni from one university after they finished their bachelor degree and the table gives information on the payment of the anthropology  graduates after working for 5 years.
The presented graphs provide a comparative analysis of the career paths and salary ranges of anthropology graduates from an unspecified university after five years of working. An overview of the data shows that nearly half of the graduates secure full-time employment.
, the government sector appears to be the most lucrative for a significant portion of these individuals. Examining the pie chart, we see that 52% of anthropology graduates enter full-time employment. The next most popular option, chosen by 15%, is part-time work.
is followed by 12% who combine part-time work with postgraduate studies and 8% who focus solely on
academic studies. The remaining 20% are either unemployed or their status is unknown. The table provides more details about salaries after five years. The majority of freelancers earn over $75,000 annually, which is comparable to the earnings of those in government positions.
, a slightly higher percentage of government employees earn over $100,000.
In contrast
, employees in private companies most commonly earn between $50,000 and $74,999.
Submitted by TUTOO on

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Vocabulary: The word "provide" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • pie chart
  • bachelor's degree
  • anthropology alumni
  • employment sectors
  • salary ranges
  • academic roles
  • field research
  • public sector
  • non-profit organizations
  • private sector jobs
  • continuing education
  • job market trends
  • financial prospects
  • career progression
  • economic context
  • geographic location
  • cost of living
  • salary increases
  • experience
  • earning potential
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