The chart below shows what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart below shows what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full-time work did after leaving college in 2008.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The two line graphs illustrate the activities done by British graduate and postgraduate students if they did not find a full-time occupation after their university, in 2008.
, it is evident that
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the number of graduated pupils was ten times more than
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students, and the majority of them continued their studies to higher levels,
, the minority of them did some voluntary tasks.
According to
the data, both categories followed approximately the same patterns
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but were different in numbers. In the first group, around 30.000 of the graduated individuals pursued their studies to get higher degrees, and the number of people who had part-time jobs and the ones who did not have a career was roughly the same, the former 17.735 and the latter 16.235.
, just 3.500 of
group preferred to do some voluntary work. Turning to the second graph, the highest proportion of
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students decided to continue their college or become part-time employees, 2.725 and 2.535, respectively. About half of the population remained jobless in 2008, and only 345 of them did some voluntary work.
Submitted by Negar_seddigh on

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