Most society are spending their
to useChange the verb form
show examples
some Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
and text
messageFix the agreement mistake
show examples
thatCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
is challenging to
getVerb problem
show examples
friendFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in real
. I
totally Remove the redundancy
show examples
agree with the statement because most
citizenFix the agreement mistake
show examples
can spend a lot of
focusCorrect your spelling
show examples
using the
,Remove the comma
show examples
that Correct word choice
show examples
the effects are
lackCorrect article usage
show examples
of social
, health and disturbing
lackCorrect article usage
show examples
of social
in real
problemAdd an article
show examples
someChange preposition
show examples
, they
are focusChange the verb form
show examples
to useChange preposition
show examples
platformFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and text
on Change preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
and mobile
phoneFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, so the effect is they do not have
friendAdd an article
show examples
since they are spending their
at home
to useChange the verb form
show examples
, they do not have
friendFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, There
isChange the verb form
show examples
health issues
mostChange preposition
show examples
if they
by Change preposition
show examples
, They are less
of Change preposition
show examples
active in daily routines, so it
is Wrong verb form
show examples
impactCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
overweight since
theirCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
spendingReplace the word
show examples
to feedback
emailFix the agreement mistake
show examples
very much and
textFix the agreement mistake
show examples
from someone.
, they forget to
physicalAdd a missing verb
show examples
is addressChange the verb form
is addressed
is addressing
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
society right now
becauseAdd the preposition
show examples
effectsCorrect your spelling
show examples
in Change preposition
show examples
. they
have opinionVerb problem
show examples
moreAdd a missing verb
show examples
simpleChange the word
show examples
than face-to-face but the bad impact is feeling lonely.
theirReplace the word
show examples
are disturbing mental
in their
. so they need to less of using online
platformFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to overcome their
problemFix the agreement mistake
show examples
Tu sum up, most
societyChange to a plural noun
show examples
are using some
platformFix the agreement mistake
show examples
online to communicate with different
theCorrect your spelling
show examples
have social
problemFix the agreement mistake
show examples
isCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
of Change preposition
show examples
activity in daily
, health and
mentalCorrect word choice
show examples
. I recommend
Change preposition
show examples
for Change preposition
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
Fix the infinitive
show examples
to Verb problem
show examples
reduce using some
to avoid
,Remove the comma
show examples
because it will
terribleChange the adjective
show examples
impact their
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples