The bar chart below shows the top 10 countries for the production and consumption of electricity in 2014

The bar chart below shows the top 10 countries for the production and consumption of electricity in 2014
The horizontal bar chart describes the ten highest-ranking
in terms of the amount of power they produced and consumed in 2014. Units are measured in
, nine
, except for Germany, generated more electricity than they used, albeit to widely varying degrees. The level of production and consumption of China and the United States was significantly higher than that of other
. Chinese energy generation was predominant at nearly 5,400, which was over 100
kilowatts per hour higher than its usage.
the US was the second largest power generator and consumer, its levels were much lower, at more than 4,000 produced and less than 3,800 consumed. Russia's production level was a little higher than Japan and India, with slightly over 1,000, compared to marginally above 930 and 870 respectively.
, Russia consumed more than 1,000
kilowatts per hour, which was approximately 200
KWH higher than Japanese and Indian energy usage. Regarding the other four
(Canada, France, Brazil, and Korea), their electricity generation ranged from over 600 to well under 500, which was insignificantly higher than their consumption (clustered around 450 and 500). Germany was the only country using more electricity than its generation capacity, with a 50
KWH gap between the two figures.
Submitted by truongthaian7446 on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words countries, billion with synonyms.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • bar chart
  • top 10 countries
  • production
  • consumption
  • overview
  • compare
  • significance
  • data
  • electricity
  • regional differences
  • factors
  • influence
  • analyze
  • summarize
  • closing statement
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