Today, the high sales of popular customer goods reflect the power of adversting and not the real need of society in which they are slod. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whether local businesses are now competitive with large supermarkets and online shopping is quite concerning.
problem relates to the development of technology and human needs but can be solved by applying advertisements around the area. The underlying reason for the issue is that
nowadays require more high-quality
and the changes in the way they buy things. Because of the hustle and bustle of life,
now appreciate fast and convenient services.
As a result
, they would spend more time at home seeking the stuff they need, which is available on online shopping platforms.
, there are various high-completed goods in large supermarkets, where they can come and give their choices.
, the amount of customers in local shops decreases, which
creates some obstacles for the local community.
For instance
, most Vietnamese
would rather use Shoppee or Lazada for their deliveries
of going to any particular shops in the area.
, the problem can be addressed if the retailers apply advertising programs to their
Due to
the fact that young
pay more attention to strange kinds of stuff which belong to a famous brand.
, it is difficult to compete with these well-known items, but it would be more effective to enhance their retail skills to attract more consumers.
job could be done by pasting some posters advertising the
on the roads and corners of streets. In fact, many small businesses take advantage of TikTok, using
streaming platform to popularize their works, which gives them enormous increases in profits. In conclusion, local sales can depend on the power of social media applications to bring their
In addition
direction could help them rival large businesses and online shopping.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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