The chart below shows the percentage of unemployed people aged between 15 and 24 in five European countries in 2005, compared with the overall percentage of unemployment in those countries. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart below shows the percentage of unemployed people aged between 15 and 24 in five European countries in 2005, compared with the overall percentage of unemployment in those countries. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Illustrating in the bar chart is information comparing the proportion of youngsters from the 15 to 24 age
who are unemployed and the average rate of unemployment in five distinct European nations in 2005. From an observational perspective, it can be seen that all countries have a similar pattern with the 15 to 24 unemployment
always higher than the
, Poland had the biggest disparity between the 15 to 24
and the
the opposite was true for Denmark. Looking at the illustration in
detail, 37% of the 15 to 24 age
are unemployed which was more than two times higher than that of the
. Regarding Italy and Hungary, there were around 23% and 16% unemployed teenagers and they are about 15% and 10& greater than the average. Turning to the remaining categories, Germany's young generation unemployment proportion was almost 15% and the approximate was just 10%.
, it was Denmark that has the lowest rate in both groups, at 8% for youngsters and less than 3% for approximate.
Submitted by Nghỉ hè vui vẻ cả nhà on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "overall".
Introduction: The introduction is missing.
Introduction: Change the first sentence in the introduction.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Vocabulary: Replace the words group with synonyms.
Vocabulary: Only 6 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: The word "proportion" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • unemployment rate
  • youth unemployment
  • overall unemployment
  • comparison
  • percentage
  • aged between
  • economic conditions
  • educational system
  • vocational training
  • long-term impacts
  • policy changes
  • job training programs
  • disparity
  • national unemployment rates
  • European countries
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