The table show the results of surveys in a European country, carried out in three different years. Percentage of respondents expressing interest in certain sports .

The table show the results of surveys in a European country, carried out in three different years. Percentage of respondents expressing interest in certain sports

, it can be seen that soccer is clearly favoured over any other
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. Meanwhile, there were no significant changes among the five roles. In 1995, 42% of people were interested in football, more than 22% and 30% compared to cycling and tennis orderly. At the same time, the percentage of people interested in swimming stood at 10%,
the figures for golf and rugby were lower, at the same percentage (8%). Between 1995 and 2005 , the UK saw a significant
Correct your spelling
fall of
2$ in the proportion of respondents interested in football and it continued to decline by 2%
at the end
of the period.
, snooker had a similar trend, with the figure decreasing to 28%;
figure rose to 30% in 2005.
On the other hand
, those of golf and rugby increased to 13% and 17% respectively from 1995 to 2005.
, the figures for tennis and swimming remained almost unchanged in the same period.
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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Introduction: Change the first sentence in the introduction.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Introduction: The chart intro is missing.
Vocabulary: The word "figures" was used 4 times.
Vocabulary: The word "percentage" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "significant" was used 2 times.
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