Write a letter to the restaurant, applying for the job. In your letter: •explain what you are currently doing •describe your suitability for this area of work •say when you can attend an interview

Dear Sir or Madam, Greetings, I hope
letter finds you well, I am writing to you regarding the vacant job you published in the local
news paper
Correct your spelling
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, I would like to express my interest in applying
Change preposition
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, I would like you to be informed that I have been working as a barista for two years
Change preposition
show examples
a brand called Italian Taste,
, I was responsible for making hot and cold drinks using
Correct article usage
show examples
professional methods.
, I have a solid experience in
business that
Correct your spelling
me to be creative and fit for
job. I am familiar with
Correct article usage
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number of
Correct quantifier usage
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in addition
, I am a faster learner if your restaurant serves other different items.
, I would like to mention that my current contract will end next Friday,
, I will be free to come to the interview at any time next week. If you
Correct your spelling
the interview on Friday, I will consider ending my contract before that date. I am looking forward to your kind reply, Best Regards, John Adams.
Submitted by abdoo.magicoo on

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coherence and cohesion
To improve coherence and cohesion, ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single idea. While your letter is generally well-organized, some sentences can be more tightly grouped. For example, the sentence about being a fast learner might be more effective if placed closer to discussing your familiarity with various recipes.
task response
For a higher task response score, further details about your responsibilities at 'Italian Taste' and specific skills relevant to the new job could strengthen your application, providing a more compelling case for your suitability.
task response
For a more polished tone, consider slightly rephrasing some sentences to make them more formal, such as 'I look forward to your kind reply' instead of 'I am looking forward to your kind reply.'
suitable writing tone
The letter is polite and maintains a professional tone throughout, which is important for job application letters.
complete response
You clearly addressed all the key points required: your current activities, your suitability for the job, and your availability for an interview.
logical structure
The logical structure is strong with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. This makes it easy for the reader to follow your main points.

Structure your letter

A letter needs to be written using a proper format, including the following:

  • A greeting (Dear sir/madam, Dear John, Dear Mr. Smith)
  • The main body (consisting of paragraphs for each part of the letter)
  • A closing (Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Best wishes, Kind regards, Love)

When writing a letter as part of the IELTS General Training Writing Task 1, it is important to include the bullet points presented to you in the question.

All three bullet points need to be presented. And remember that some bullet points contain more than one element. So, make sure to watch for ‘and’ and plurals.

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