In todays world, people spend a lot of money on appearance because they want to look younger. Why does this happen? Do you think this is a positive or negative development

Nowadays, people are much more concerned about their age and want to look younger. I believe
is a negative development as it undermines the natural look and
drains a person financially.
essay will support the aforementioned points and elaborate on them in the following paragraphs. People are influenced by actors and actresses who undergo plastic surgery treatments to look attractive, but they don't see that those models are paid for their looks. Models spend
on their
because of their profession,
individuals who undergo these surgeries to transform their looks to resemble famous celebrities are wasting their
and sometimes damaging their physical
For instance
, a woman became famous for wanting to look like Angelina Jolie and underwent plastic surgery, which permanently damaged her looks.
example illustrates why
spent on altering
is a negative development.
not only drains one financially but
brings health problems. There are several side effects to these treatments, and people who undergo these procedures often suffer from various skin allergies that could lead to cancer.
For example
, hair transplants involve using a needle to add hair to the forehead, and sometimes the force of the needle is so great that it causes a person to suffer from
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, it does not seem worth it to put one's life at risk to look physically attractive.
To conclude
, one should be satisfied with how they appear and should not spend
to enhance their
, they should spend it on other activities that bring mental peace and joy.
Submitted by mannadarshpal13 on

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