IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Nowadays, people are much more concerned about their age and want to look younger. I believe this is a negative development as it undermines the natural look and also drains a person financially. This essay will support
Nowadays, people are much more concerned about their age and want to look younger. I believe it is a negative development as it undermines natural look, and also these treatments drains person financially. This essay wi
In recent centuries,most of the individuals waste a significant amount of money to appear like juveniles,this can be caused by many reasons such as cyberspace and peers,however this can be both
nowadays, people splurge out on their look in order to stay young. This essay will discuss the reasons and the side effects of this phenomenon.
In the modern day, there is an increase in people who expend their income aiming to own a younger appearance. The primary reason for these appearance expenditures is the concern of ugly appearance and societal perspectiv
In recent years, the amount of money being expended in enhancing physical appearance has soared due to the demand of maintaining the youth. The primary reason for the tendency to alter their physical attractiveness deriv
In modern society, a lot of men and women to look younger spend a lot of money on their appearance. This essay will suggest the reasons behind people paying hefty prices for their physical appearances and how this downwa
Nowadays, how we look matters more than before. People tend to increase their spending on appearance just so they look younger. It is agreed that the typical beauty standard is only based on the superficial of certain bo
Nowadays, individuals lavish so much funds on their bodies just to look much younger than they really are. I believe, to some, it is a norm whereas others might have a different opinion. Nevertheless, I think such a ba
In today's society, there is so much value given to youthful appearance that some people become obsessed with the idea of looking younger than their actual age. I believe this trend poses some adverse effects on people's
The public confronts a phenomenon in which looking younger than your actual age is considered a significant trend in modern society. In order to keep a young look, the community pay a lot of money for these kinds of serv
In the modern world people pay a lot of attention on how they look. There are many reasons for it. In this essay I will give reasons for while some people think it is positive others think it is negative.
Nowadays, spending money on appearance has increased in order to look younger among adults. This issue comes with some reasons, and I think this affects almost positively.
Nowadays, an excessive amount of money is spent on making oneself appear younger because many people are influenced by social media. In my opinion, this is certainly not a sign of positive development as it could be noc
It is an irrefutable fact that people have started to invest a hefty amount in their physical appearance in recent times. I strongly consider this a positive development because looking good is their basic human right.
Nowadays, there are a lot of people who spend a lot of money to change their looks due to looking younger. Because people think that if they look elderly, others do not think they are not beautiful. I am inclined to be
In this day and age, society places pressure on individuals to have a good looking. Therefore, many spend a large amount of money on cosmetic purposes to make themselves look young. However, I am convinced that this is
Nowadays, looks have become more crucial than any other aspect of one’s life and therefore people are splurging large sums of dollars on cosmetic surgeries and focusing on gaining popularity. This advancement has had neg
Nowadays, many individuals invest more of their funds in things that improve their looks because they do not want to appear old. This is happening mostly due to peer influence. I also think this is a positive trend becau
Nowadays, advertisement and marketing are the most efficient ways to command the public. The fashion industry is also utilizing the same to boost its sale. In my opinion, people spending a considerable amount on costumes
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