The bar chart below gives information about the percentage of the population living in urban areas in different parts of the world. Summer use the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and male comparisons where relevant.

The bar chart below gives information about the percentage of the population living in urban areas in different parts of the world.

Summer use the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and male comparisons where relevant.
The bar diagram compares the proportion of individuals living in cities across various continents.
it is immediately apparent that
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the population increased with advancing years in the various parts of the world. North America had the highest migrants in each of the years starting from 64% in 1950 and estimated to reach 87% in the year 2030.
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, Europe had a little over 50% of its occupants in the cities in 1950 and by 2030, 78% of people will be living in
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bigger towns. Meanwhile, Latin America is likely to have
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populace double from 42%
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1950 to 84% in the year 2030.
In contrast
, whilst Asia and Africa had only 15% and 17% of persons in their urban regions in 1950, a little over half their population are likely to move and stay in these continental cities by 2030.
, by 2030, nearly twice as many people who lived in the world's town in 1950 will be in the city.
Submitted by nmaureen03 on

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