Several nations show
a downward trendsCorrect the article-noun agreement
downward trends
a downward trend
show examples
onChange preposition
show examples
amounts of
. In
I will express the possible reasons
ofChange preposition
show examples
the phenomenon and how to revert
constructionCorrect article usage
show examples
of new urban
areaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is one of the significant
causeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
of the trends developed. In order to build a metropolitan,
Correct article usage
show examples
forestChange preposition
show examples
will need to
treardownAdd a missing verb
show examples
which significantly
reduceCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
plantsChange preposition
show examples
in certain
areaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
BesideReplace the word
show examples
, forest is essential to
wildsChange the noun form
show examples
as their habitat and food
. As the size of
forestAdd an article
show examples
is limited, the ability to provide enough food and shelter to sustain the diversity and numerous
of Change preposition
show examples
are weakenChange the verb form
show examples
. Eco-system will
unableAdd a missing verb
show examples
supportFix the infinitive
show examples
amountCorrect article usage
show examples
of life as before and lead
animalChange preposition
show examples
, climate
changesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
is another reason
declining. The
pollutantFix the agreement mistake
show examples
created by
humanFix the agreement mistake
show examples
hasCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
changed the environment
as rising ocean
temperatureFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and increasing atomsphere
componentFix the agreement mistake
show examples
animal and
hasChange the verb form
show examples
certain ability tolerance to mild climate changes,
but Remove the conjunction
show examples
they are unable to adapt to rapid changes
globeReplace the word
show examples
warming and
in tropical
areaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. As they do not have time to evolve to
the change,
In order to revert
currentChange preposition
show examples
trends, there are several
actionChange to a plural noun
show examples
we can
doVerb problem
show examples
to preserve
wild lifeCorrect your spelling
show examples
. Reduce the
pollutantFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Nations around the globe should introduce clean energy
sourceChange the noun form
show examples
as hydro power and solar power apart from fossil
fuel baseCorrect your spelling
show examples
energy which
produceChange the verb form
show examples
less toxic
substanceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
Add an article
show examples
BesideReplace the word
show examples
governmentAdd an article
show examples
should consult
scientist Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
constructChange the verb form
show examples
new urban
areaFix the agreement mistake
show examples
the impact
toChange preposition
show examples
To summarize, the decline of wild
be solveChange the verb form
show examples
introduceChange the verb form
show examples
envrionmentalCorrect your spelling
policyFix the agreement mistake
show examples
materialFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to decrease
impactAdd an article
show examples
Correct article usage
show examples
eco-systemCorrect your spelling
show examples
from human activities.