You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you return home, you found you had left some important papers at the hotel. Write a letter to the manager of the hotel. In your letter: * say where you think you left the papers * explain why they are so important * tell the manager what you want him/her to do

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to request your assistance regarding a matter of some urgency. During our recent meeting at your hotel, I inadvertently left an important
behind. I would be most grateful if you could help me locate it. Allow me to provide
details. I distinctly remember that prior to our meeting, I spent some time waiting in the lobby, seated near the elevator on the right side of the green bench.
, for a brief period of about five minutes, I took a phone call and moved to a seat by the window. It is possible that I left the
on the table next to the flower pot. To be more specific, the
in question pertains to a loan application I submitted to my bank earlier that day and contains sensitive personal information, including my private account details. Having previously had a distressing experience with the loss of
crucial documents, which were
misused, I am understandably anxious.
, I kindly request that you secure the
in a safe place until my driver arrives to collect it. I hope that
request does not cause you any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and prompt assistance. Yours faithfully, Armita
Submitted by armi.zahedi on

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task achievement
You've done an excellent job clearly explaining where you might have left the papers and why they are important. To enhance the task response even further, consider adding a direct line about what you want the manager to do exactly, like calling you back to confirm they found the document.
coherence cohesion
Your paragraphs are logically structured and flow seamlessly from one to the next. Keep this up! To perfect it, you might want to use an additional linking phrase or sentence to explicitly connect thoughts.
coherence cohesion
Your letter is very well-structured and each paragraph clearly serves its purpose. This is a great reflection of your analytical and organizational skills!
task achievement
Your tone is highly suitable for the purpose of this letter, maintaining a balance between formality and urgency. This showcases your ability to adapt your writing style to different situations.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Dear Sir/Madam,
  • I am writing to inform you that I believe I left some important papers at your hotel.
  • To the best of my recollection, I left the papers in the conference room.
  • These papers are of utmost importance as they contain confidential business information.
  • I kindly request that you or your staff check the conference room and securely send the papers to my address.
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