Many jobs require ongoing training and research to stay competitive in a world with rapidly evolving information and technology. Some believe that it is the responsibility of businesses to pay for this training for their staff while others feel it is up to the individual. Discuss both views and give your own opnion.

Nowadays, in order to remain desirable to companies,
must keep their CVs up-to-date by attending training programmes. Some think that
is the responsibility of the individual,
others assume it is on the head of the businesses to fund the practice. I believe there is something to be said about
schools of thought and
essay will discuss
viewpoints. On the one hand, there are many
who are incredibly talented and have a lot of potential
Remove the comma
show examples
but cannot
their careers
due to
a lack of funds. An unfortunate event, as these
may have a lot to give, but do not have the means to partake in these courses.
, in
the individual and the business would be at a disadvantage.
For example
, Rolls Royce has an amazing apprenticeship programme that my young cousin is starting
September. They train school leavers and mould them into
who can
benefit the company.
, without
program, she would have looked to get a job rather than furthering her education which would have been a shame thanks to her high IQ and photographic memory.
On the other hand
, these training programmes are for the personal growth of the individual, which means once they complete the training required, they could leave the company. In
case, the business would be at a loss after spending tens of thousands for a prospective employee.
For instance
, the NHS pays for part of the graduate-entry programme for Medicine since these applicants are not eligible for student finance. Out of these
, a staggering 30% choose not to practice after finishing university and another 15% decide to practice abroad.
, if the NHS did not run the above scheme they may have the money to place
to ensure current junior doctors are given a pay rise. In conclusion, there are benefits seen in
arguments, which are heavily monetary. I believe
can be solved by a stipulation in the contract to ensure the businesses receive a healthy return on investment, ensuring
parties are successful.
Submitted by patelmeera on

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task achievement
Try to elaborate a bit more on how companies could get a return on investment. Include more detailed points or examples to strengthen your argument.
coherence cohesion
While the essay has a solid structure, consider using more linking words and phrases such as 'Furthermore,' 'Additionally,' or 'In contrast,' to enhance coherence.
coherence cohesion
The introduction clearly presents the topic and outlines the writer's intention to discuss both views.
coherence cohesion
The conclusion effectively summarizes the discussion and presents a well-balanced viewpoint.
task achievement
Good use of relevant and specific examples (e.g., Rolls Royce apprenticeship program, NHS graduate-entry programme) to support main points.
task achievement
The ideas are clearly presented and comprehensive, contributing to a complete response to the task.
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