There have been some problems with the Internet service, especially its reliability, in your area over the last two weeks. Write a letter to the manager of the Internet company. In your letter • describe what the problems are • explain how these problems are affecting you • suggest what you would like the company to do

Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to complain about the Internet service I have been receiving from your company for the
2 months. I mean, I am not satisfied with the speed of my Internet connection.
, the website does not open at all. I am a social media marketing manager and I am working with different social platforms. Every day I have to check a lot of new videos which are uploaded by new users. Low speed causes a lot of
Fix the agreement mistake
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because I have to wait for the pages to open for more than a minute.
reason, I am not able to do the required amount of work and my boss is not happy about it. The website is the crucial platform for my everyday tasks, so I am really concerned about that. I have checked my devices and all cables and I have not found any problems. I have
restarted my computer, but , unfortunately, it did not help. So, I would be really grateful if you could send an engineer to my home as soon as possible. I hope you can fix everything and solve my problems. I look forward
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your reply. Sincerely yours, Anfisa Samedova
Submitted by samedovateacher on

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task achievement
While the letter is quite clear, a more detailed description of steps already taken (e.g. specific troubleshooting steps) could strengthen the case for sending an engineer immediately.
coherence cohesion
Consider organizing the letter into more distinct paragraphs to enhance readability. For example, explore making a separate paragraph for each major point of the complaint.
task achievement
The letter covers all required points: the problems faced, the impact on work, and a request for a solution.
coherence cohesion
The opening and closing are polite and professional, contributing to a suitable tone.
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