Topic: Some people believe that children should spend more time participating in physical activities rather than playing computer games. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Technological advancements have led
to become couch potatoes and a discussion is making rounds on
topic, suggesting that
should participate more in sports than playing video
on computers. I completely agree with the statement that the young generation should be encouraged to play more physical
because it leads to the holistic development of a child. The essay will discuss more advantages of physical activities.
To begin
with, physical activities like playing sports, exercising or swimming, are necessary for a healthy and fit body. These days, kids are eating a lot of junk food leading to obesity and
or sports help in fighting not only obesity but
its related diseases.
, it becomes important for them to indulge in any form of bodily
sitting in front of computer screens all day long will have weak eyesight and it
affects their brain
For instance
, in the recent past, a lot of young
went into mental shock after playing PUBG, a mobile combat game which was later banned by the government.
, it is highly recommended to encourage youngsters to participate in any form of physical
will help in relaxing their minds, resulting in better sleep patterns. To summarise, there is no doubt that
should be playing more physical
rather than indulging in
on computers as physical
results in better fitness and a relaxed mind. Parents should their
to be more involved in the physical world than the virtual world.
Submitted by bindiya.gupta01 on

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