Men do most of the high-level jobs. Should the company encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women? What is your opinion on that? Use your own knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

In today’s contemporary society, a lot of enterprises grant high-powered jobs to males mostly rather than hiring females. I profoundly believe that currently, the
's community is empowering which is a sign for companies to appoint more
to responsible posts because they are able to bring brand-new ideas to the table, evolving the company’s strategy in conjunction with showcasing a role model to the next generations.
To begin
with, it is a cornerstone for modern businesses to comprehend people’s needs in order to solve them,
’s demands
a female leader would make ou of
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
For instance
, regarding a company that supplies beauty services to
, a female CEO would
Add a missing verb
be aware
show examples
of what kind of explicit procedures they need
Change the verb form
to provide
show examples
to enhance
Correct article usage
show examples
flow of customers.
men are not in the loop of what procedures are needed for
for example
, growth of lashes, the
director firmly knows because she looks after herself in a
Replace the word
show examples
way. Another noteworthy drift refers to the auspicious example of high-profile females for upbringing generations. It is an undoubted fact that plenty of female adolescents always seek
Change preposition
show examples
an outstanding female in their circle, social media, etc. to look up to.
is the reason why a female persona,
for instance
, a politician would have a positive impact on young girls.
, government officials are obliged to have great manners, correspondingly manifesting a great effect on female teenagers in a way of
Change the spelling
show examples
To conclude
the aforementioned, I strongly give credence to promoting
more on top-tier jobs for companies, in the sense of positively altering not only the economic dynamics of a company but
carrying after springs.
Submitted by kirkagoglesmail on

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task achievement
To improve task response, make sure your examples directly support your arguments and are elaborated more thoroughly. The example given about the female CEO in a beauty company is valid but could be expanded to clearly illustrate how it impacts company strategy and customer relations.
task achievement
Your ideas are clear and well-developed, but pay attention to the complexity and variety of sentence structures to enhance clarity and engagement. This can improve the comprehensiveness of your arguments.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that transitions between paragraphs and ideas are smoother. Sometimes, the ideas jump from one to another without sufficient linking. Using more cohesive devices can make your essay flow better and help maintain a logical structure throughout.
coherence cohesion
While the introduction and conclusion are present and functional, try to make your conclusion more impactful by summarizing the key points in a way that strongly reinforces your position.
task achievement
Support your main points with more detailed and varied examples. For instance, you could provide statistical data or credible studies that illustrate the positive effects of women in leadership roles.
task achievement
The essay presents a clear position on the topic and sticks to it throughout, showing a good understanding of the task at hand.
coherence cohesion
The introduction succinctly outlines the main points that will be discussed in the body, setting a clear pathway for the reader.
coherence cohesion
There is a logical structure to the argument, with each paragraph addressing a different aspect of the topic, which aids in coherence.
coherence cohesion
The conclusion effectively circles back to the main argument and reinforces the writer’s stance.
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