You work at home and have a problem with a piece of equipment that you bought for your job. Write a letter to the shop or company to which supplied the equipment. In your letter -describe the problem with the equipment -explain how this problem is affecting your work -say what to want the shop or the company to do

Dear Sir/ Madam, I am writing
letter to
Verb problem
show examples
my disappointment regarding the latest purchase of a laptop from your store. To commence with, I have bought a laptop on July 05, 2024. The order number is Qwera. Actually, the issue is with
Add an article
the audiovisual
an audiovisual
show examples
feature. I am not able to listen to the person who is
Change preposition
show examples
Add an article
the meeting
a meeting
show examples
, it shows
Add an article
a blurry
show examples
picture of the video. Unfortunately, I am really unhappy.
Apart from
, I am a customer service representative and I highly
Wrong verb form
show examples
audio and video for my job position.
Change preposition
show examples
a couple of days, I have not
Change the verb form
show examples
a full meeting.
, I may lose my salary. Meanwhile, if you could replace my equipment it would be really appreciated. If possible please send me your address
Correct word choice
so I
show examples
can visit to receive your prompt services. Hopefully, you will pay attention
Change preposition
show examples
my request.Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, Waris Saroye
Submitted by sunnytalwan065 on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single idea to improve coherence. For example, you can discuss the purchase and the problems with the laptop in one paragraph, and your work-related issues in another.
coherence cohesion
Enhance logical structure by providing a clear and concise flow of information. For example, mention the date of purchase, describe the issues, explain the impact on your work, and then make your request.
task achievement
The tone of the letter is polite and formal, which is appropriate for this context.
task achievement
You have clearly described the problem with the equipment and explained how it affects your work, meeting the task requirements.
coherence cohesion
The greeting and closing are appropriately used, adding a nice touch to the formal tone of the letter.
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