In the era of globalization, the
has been involved in many sectors.
, a wide range of individuals
assumingWrong verb form
show examples
that the
necessaryReplace the word
show examples
is to ameliorate
peoplesChange noun form
show examples
lifeFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. I strongly agree with
argument. In
essay, I will elaborate on my point of view.
with, nowadays, we can see a miss utilize in
. It has been
with wars and biological weapons.
, the scientist Nobel invented
the Correct article usage
show examples
dynamite to assist individuals.
, the
dynamiteChange noun form
show examples
main usage is in
the Correct article usage
show examples
wars to generate guns and
. The nuculer elments are essential.
,Remove the comma
show examples
It can produce
a long standingCorrect word choice
show examples
energy and
cleanAdd a missing verb
show examples
toChange preposition
show examples
, It
involvedAdd a missing verb
show examples
in weapons and considered
as Change preposition
show examples
an unfaithmobal power. It changed the scale
powerChange preposition
show examples
between countries.
, without
we will be unable to find the treatment
toChange preposition
show examples
a lot of maladies.
, we will
noCorrect your spelling
show examples
be aware of
the Correct article usage
show examples
human evolution, and how was our
DarwinChange noun form
show examples
law described the old generations and how we
over time.
, the
opened our
mindFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to explore other areas and fly. Graham brothers
the planes from
. They studied physics and chemistry to fabricate the precise
to fly.
In conclusion, we should
the role of
scientistFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. They helped the community to improve
thereReplace the word
show examples
lifesCorrect your spelling
show examples
. The government should play a critical role by fostering them.