The government should invest more money in teaching science than other subjects for a country’s development and progress. To what extent do you agree of disagree?

People have different views as to whether the government should spend more revenue on educating
than other courses for a developing c. In my opinion, despite there are various benefits of
, I firmly believe that it brings about many more drawbacks. On the one hand, there are two main reasons why more income should be vested in the field of
, it could resolve a shortage of scientists, especially in the pharmaceutical department. In doing so, there will be more studies and
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on germs and diseases, resulting in new vaccines and medical treatments, which will save countless people.
, it leads to scientific and technological breakthroughs.
For instance
, products
as autonomous driving, washing machines, or advanced knowledge like genetic engineering. All of
means that our lives will be better than before.
On the other hand
, there are two key points why we should disagree with
, the sector of art, music, and culture might stop developing.
For example
, if the financial support to improve facilities or instruments is limited by the government,
it is likely that some traditional songs or events will disappear or extinct.
, children should be treated equally to the same standard. To be precise, students tend to perform better in what they love, limiting financial aid
paying the same amount of tuition fees would hinder their potential ability. In conclusion, even though putting numerous resources
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provides many advantages to us, I genuinely believe that the government should spend money equally and not solely on teaching
Submitted by pandin21 on

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Ensure consistency in using 'income' or 'revenue' when referring to government spending.
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Include more specific examples to strengthen your arguments further.
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The introduction clearly presents the writer's stance on the topic.
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Each main point is explained with appropriate reasoning.
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The essay has a logical structure with clear separation of ideas into paragraphs.
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The use of linking words and phrases helps to connect ideas effectively.
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